Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Short Film (Story Elements)

Character- talented female painter, doesn’t give up, works hard

Setting- Painting room

Obstacle- her mother doesn’t support her, discouraging her

Relationship- mother daughter

Time- present, flashbacks

Backstory- her mother used to be a painter but she wasn’t successful, resents art and now believes is a waste of time

Unknown- why her mother doesn’t support her

Discovery- daughter discovers her mother’s past

Goal- get her mother to support her

Mood- frustrated, depressed, but inspired

SceneDramatic Intent
1) she’s painting in her room and when her mother enters and sees her painting, she gets upset and tells her to do something productive. Throws the artwork to the garbage and leaves.To show that her mother is against her painting and believes it’s a waste of time
2)the daughter takes her artwork out of the garbage can and looks at it. It seems wrinkled, then puts it under her bed and we see she has many more wrinkled artworks under the bed.To demonstrate that this is not the first time she has to rescue her artwork from the garbage. But also to portray the character as passive and calm.
3) At Dinning table, they don’t talk, the sound only comes from the dishes. They don’t look in the eye.show their relationship
4)The daughter finds an article about her mother where it says how at an art gallery exhibition no showed up, it was emptyReveal why her mother doesn’t like her painting.
5) We go back to that moment (flashback). We live the moment.To connect with the audience and male them care for these characters.
6) Shot of the mother when she was young and she was adjusting the latest details before her exhibition. Her face shows happiness, excitement. Hours go by and almost no one shows up. Her face now shows disappointment. She starts to rip off her paints and desperately cries. Show the pain her mother went through and understand her position.
7) We go back to actual time period. Her mother sees her with the article. She confronts her and they talk about that event. The daughter tries to convince her to accept her art, but the mother just rips off the article indicating that she will never accept it. Realize that some events hurt too much to let them go and move on. Not every story has a happy ending.

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