Sunday, October 7, 2012

Realism/Classicism/Formalism Paradigm

Matrix Reloaded (click title to watch clip)
Formalism- This clip is a clear example of formalism because it manipulates time and space several times during this scene. For instance, at 1:10; when he jumps on the hood of the car. Everything slows down, it seems unreal but it’s purpose it to highlight the impact of the jump. Then everything suddenly speed up and that's putting back what was taken away previously which is speed. Furthermore, after he jumps to the car we see a reaction shot of a passenger indicating how scare he is. This is called constructive cutting because the meaning is creating through juxtaposition. Continuing with the scene, next we see the first car he jumped crashed in slow motion, in an unrealistic time period and space.

Spider Man (click title to watch clip)
Classicism- this concept is about cutting to continuity (type of editing that tries to show fluidity of an event without literary showing it. For this scene, when spider-man tells the girl to get out of there because the monster is coming, several shots from different angles are shown. These shots combined form a bigger picture and show what is really happening without using an extreme long shot to show it. It's cut and put it together to explain the scene.There is also classical cutting, which is cutting for dramatically intensity and emotional emphasis rather than just physical reasons. The shots of the girl hidden in the closest and the shots of the monster outside the closest emphasize the panic she feels. It's not just cutting to change angle, but it's purpose it to portray emotion. 

God Loves Admiration (click title to watch clip)
Realism- is a continues shot. It's all about sequence edit meaning there are no edits or cuts at all. The purpose of this is to create a sense of reality. In this video the two women are having a conversation while walking around. The camera just follows them and provides on single perspective, which is the only perspective anyone in real life can have. This shots is long and slow which fits the tone of the conversion. 

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