Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Film Review-Blog Post on The Black Hole The Short Film is based on an original play. The idea is about an office worker who finds a “black hole”, meaning a portal which he can use it to obtain what he wants. The “black hole” helps himto go through doors, walls, glass or any physical object that usually keeps people from entering. I consider this a very unique and refreshing idea because it combines a science fiction concept in arealistic scenario.

2) There protagonist is the only character; his performance is enough to make the film successful. He’s the typical man who works in the office and seems to be tired of his job; this characterization makes his character believable.

3) In my opinion the cast of the protagonist was well done because he has the physical appearance and adequate attitude for such role.

4) The theme of the film is ambition. The plot, acting and setting lead me to this theme. From the plot the audience predicts that the protagonist will take advantage of the black hole and use to improve his life style.In beginning when he founds the black hole he wants to experiment with it, but then he realizes he could do more with it and decides to take a snack out of the bending machine by using the black hole. This action foreshadows the rest of the plot; the audience perceives the magnitude of his upcoming action. In addition to this, the acting implies that the protagonist doesn’t likehis job very much; the body language suggests he’s tired and he just wants to finish the job so he can go home. Similarly the setting help the audience understand what type of job he hasand why it’s not his dream job. From the background it seems that the building has many office cubicles and he’s probably one more employee who doesn’t have his own office. These threefactors combine demonstrate the ambition theme and explain the reasons behind it. Since the protagonists had a miserable job and he found the black which helps you to literary go throughany object, it is logical that he would want to still his boss to improve his life style.

5) As I mentioned before the setting is appropriate because it supports the storyline and helps the audience to understand the character’s motive.

6) The cinematography is effective in every area. For instance the lighting helps determine around what this films is taking place. Since it’s obscure, mostly dark, the audience knows it’s very late at night and part of this idea is because of the consistency of the dark lighting. Similarly the color of the shots reflects the mood the protagonist is in and relates to the storyline.

7) The track is very important and crucial to the short film. Given that there is no dialogue the track dictates the mood of the film and helps indicate if the protagonist’s actions would have a good ending.

8) One of the purposes of the camera angles is to establish an upcoming action/scene. The full shot angles are used to give the audience an entire picture of the situation in the storyline. And theClose-ups set the purpose of showing emotion and exposing important details.

9) There are special effects, and they are needed in order to make the short film work. Since the black hole is the fiction part of the story, special effects are required to show the audience what is going on and how the black hole can be used. Without the effect of the hand going into the whole, the short would have no credibility and would seem unrealistic.

10) An interesting symbol is the black hole itself. It might seem as a tool to get the things he desires, but it represents the ending of the story. He got trapped in a black hole. In the literary term, he can’t get out until someone comes and pulls him out of there. In the figurative term, he’s in a black hole because he didn’t steal the money; he’s life is still miserable and he’s probably going to be in trouble once people find out what he was doing.

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