Saturday, February 18, 2012


There are a lot of bear cans and cigarettes on the floor close to the couch. On the background the Tv is on and the news are on. There is the sound of the Tv.

Next we see Elena’s back and next to her is her phone. Suddenly her phones rings, but all we see is Elena opening her eyes as soon as the phone rang. From her expression we know she was sleeping. She grabs her head as if she had a headache.

Now we she her entire body and her hair is a mess. Her makeup is ruined and her eyeliner is drained. She reaches for her phone. In the screen of the phone says “Rebecca”, she reads the text that says “hey Elena, can u check in ur car if I left my purse there cuz I can’t find it, thnx girl” Then we see Elena’s face like ugh.

She Stands up and grabs the remote to turn off the Tv, but then the reporter says “in breaking news tonight we have been informwed that a psycho killer is loose in san Bruno, if anyone see him call (650-772-8868) and we recommend people to lock their doors and don’t go out alone late at night”.

Elena’s face is like yeah right (sarcastically). Then she makes fun by saying “how scary”

she turns off the tv and starts to walk, but she kicks a bear can and says “damn it”.

She walks out the door and closes it. The street is alone no people are walking. As she opens the door of her car, we see a shadow passing behind her. There is scary music.

She is looking for the purse in the car and everything is silent.

Suddenly someone puts a hand on her back and we see Elena’s face, she’s scare.

Then we hear a voice saying “what are you doing Elena”. She breaths and looks calmed now. Now we see the face of the guy and Elena turns around and she says “you scared me damn it”.

He says “sorry, but what are you doing out here in the street?” as he says this Elena turns around and starts to look again for the purse then she says “I’m looking for my friend’s purse but it looks like it’s not here” She stops looking and closes the door of her car.

Then from a window inside the house we see Elena and her friend saying goodnight. There is still scary music.

She is about to enter her house and notices her door slightly open.

She looks surprised but doesn't really care. Once she’s in she locks the door and everything looks normal.

Walks back to the couch and stars texting, then from a corner we see Elena, she writes “sorry Rebecca but ur” then suddenly we hear a noise as if something fall down.

Elena’s reaction is to turn her head in the direction the noise came. She puts the phone down and starts walking towards the kitchen (which is where the noise came).

The music in the background provides suspense. When she gets there she sees a vase is on the floor and the window is open, the wind is blowing. She feels relaxed and there is silence.

Suddenly she turns around and the killer is in front of her. He shuts her mouth and she tries to scream. Then she punches him and she’s able to run to another room.

As she’s running the killer is grabbing his face.

She stops in another room and her heart is beating so fast and her faces shows fear.

Then she remembers that she has call for help. She looks in her cloths for her phone, but is not there. Now her face is like I know where I left it, she says “the couch”.

Then we see the killer walking looking for her. She opens the door and looks in the hall to see if the killer is close.

The hall is empty and she walks out the room and goes towards the couch. She gets there safe and starts dialing. She’s shaking and there is scary music in the background.

We see the killer behind her, but she doesn’t. The pitch of the music increases.

He walks towards her and tries to strangle her. Then she drops the phone. As she’s dying, he starts to smile, but then she nudges him in the stomach and he lets go of her.

She coughs. He grabs his stomach. As she walks away, he walks behind her and pushes her to the wall. Her head impact the wall and she fall on the floor, he hits Elena’s head against the floor and now she’s dead. 

The killer drags her and everything fades to black.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously the theme you are aiming for is horror. There is a nice use of an "i dont care" attitude which is what we genereally see in a horrow genre. the main characters always do stupid things where the audience knows that it will only lead to trouble. Good job.

    Your 3 act structure where the problem is introduced: the news report on the psycho killer. i think you should not even have her know that there is a killer but she walks away and doesnt realize the tv has a breaking news about the killer. for example, she is already outside the house when the tv gives the news about the killer. for the build up, nice scenarios but make sure you dont copy "the strangers" it seems a lot similar even until the end. What i liked is that the killer getse injured in the end. nice job.

    Obviously our character and conflict is this Elena character and the conflict with coming to terms that there is in fact a killer in the house.
