Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ideology In Film

1)      1)  Ideology is about values/viewpoints and messages that the media text such as film might communicate to a viewer. There are two types of ideology; Explicit and implicit. Explicit is about what a character in a film or a director/producer/writer themselves declare to be the subject of the film. Implicit is more about debatable meanings of a film, possibly beyond the conscious intentions of the filmmaker that require analysis and a reasoned argument.
2)    2) Milla jovovich

Her next role could be in Resident Evil 5 or another action film because she makes films of sub-genre “girls with guns”.
5 adjectives: kickass, intelligent, strong, skilled, pretty
The fifth Element (1997)- Good and evil battle for the future of 23rd century Earth in this visually striking big-budget science fiction epic. Milla plays Leeloo, and she is the fifth element.
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc(1999)- Milla plays Joan of Arc: Wearing the armor of a soldier, the girl known as Joan of Arc leads the French troops in what she believes is a holy battle.
Resident Evil (2002), Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Resident Evil: Extension (2007), Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) A bio-engineered virus has been released into the maze-like Hive, turning the facility's employees into mindless, flesh-eating zombies. Milla plays Alice: Alice and Rain also discover that the release of the virus may not have been an accident and that a cure may exist somewhere in the deadly Hive.
Ultraviolet(2006)- Caught dead in the center of it is an infected woman called Violet (Milla), who is bent on vengeance and has little left to lose.
The Three Musketeers (2011)- Milla plays Milady de Winter. The Three Musketeers ride again in this three-dimensional revamp from Impact Pictures and writer/producer Paul W.S. Anderson
3)  3)   I like Clumsy from THE SMURFS
a)      I like his innocence and good intentions he has. Even though he messes up often, he doesn’t do it on purpose and that just makes him cute. I think that the CU of Clumsy’s face after he did something wrong is what creates emotions and makes me like him.
b)      I’m being asked to feel sympathize with him and like him because of his good feelings. The filmmaker wants me to share Clumsy’s sadness after he messed up. He doesn’t want me to be happy when he shows sad faces.
c)      In the scene where everyone is going to go rescue PAPA, the other Smurfs tell him to just stay at home and don’t go because they feel he can ruin the rescue. Then we have a CU of Clumsy’s face, and then a CU of the young lady and then we go back with clumsy. The camera moves with Clumsy, as he walks away the camera is with him and when he finally stops there is an ECU that shows his sadness in his entire face but mostly in his eyes. Also the fact that the filmmaker leaves the shot for long time, it gives the time for the audience to sympathize with him. And the sad music creates a deeper sad feeling. Through all this the emotions of the audience are being manipulated makes them prefer a CU of Clumsy because it transmits his true feelings.
d)      The intention of this is so that the audience gets an idea of how sad Clumsy feels for being clumsy. It also creates a caring relationship between the character Of Clumsy and the Audience. In addition when Clumsy has the magic wand that could finish with the evil Gargamel the audience predicts he’s going to screw up and not save the other smurfs, but when he catches the magic wand and does everything right, he ends up being a hero and the audience feels happy for him. Overall the camera work helps the viewer to care for a character.
e)      The consequences could be bad reaction and filmmakers could lose money. For example if they remake a legendary film, they audience most likely will not like it, because they feel their film is going to be ruin and it’s very difficult, almost impossible for a remake to over out-top the original film. Those films are usually not very successful.
f)      A almost finished film could change drastically if the producer unapproved the final product. He could quit the project and they the rest of the production might need more money, in that case the film will be delayed and could even be re-shot and re-edit.
4) 4)    Ideologies change over time because society has changed, audiences’ tastes have changed. For example Footloose (1984) inspired a generation and in the remake Footloose(2011) some things changed and became realistic to our time period. In the original everyone at the High-school at the small town has only white students and in the remake there is diversity and that’s because in today’s society racism has reduced. Also the dancing scenes of the remake are shot differently. The camera work is similar to the dancing shows of tv and it can be similar to the dancing scenes of “Glee”
5)    5)It can definitely affect the audience unconsciously, especially young audience. For example if a kid is not  familiar with World War 1 and he watches a film about it for the first time, he would share the ideology of the film and until he doesn’t learn about the WW1, the first thing that would come up in his mind when he thinks about WW1 would be the film.
6)   6)  Suspension of Disbelief: What we think of as realism is sometimes cinematic convention that has evolved for financial, artistic or technical reasons. We just assume it’s real without think if it can happen in the real world. For example Van Helsing, in the action scene where he Van Helsing fights with the vampires and is able to move as fast as them he shots them and when he falls from the ceiling he is able to keep moving and continue fighting. That is unreal, but yet the audience believes it.
7)     7)The ownership of the company can affect the film ideology. For example the Warner Brothers, they have created  films such as Lord of the Rings and because they are okay with creatures such as Gollum they agreed to convert the book into a film and share this ideology of the existence of unique creatures and people with powers, even though this is not real.

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