Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog: Genre

Have tremendous impact, continuous high energy, lots of physical stunts and activity, possibly extended chases rescues, battles, martial arts, mountains and mountaineering, destructive disasters, fights, escapes, non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous heroes
Comedies address an issue in a funny way, they make you laugh.
Comedies are light-hearted dramas, crafted to amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment. The comedy genre humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and characters. There are different types of comedies such as Slapstick, Deadpan, Verbal Comedy, Screwball, etc.
Individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame. Animations are not a strictly-defined genre category, but rather a film technique, although they often contain genre-like elements. Animation, fairy tales, and stop-motion films often appeal to children,
Hero (male or female)
Evil Villain
Chasing in vehicles
Victory or resolution
Typical body language of being tough
Unexpected Obstacle
Body Language
Situation-comedies that are told within a narrative
Usually happy endings
Voice over
Children’s entertainment
Typical protagonist
Typical language
Typical characters (perfect female and male characters)

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