Saturday, December 17, 2011

Soviet Montage and Formalism
A) What was Pudovkin's concept of constructive editing and how did it manifest itself on film?
Pudovkin  was the first one to ellaborate on what he liked to called "constructive editing". His concept of this was that they should imply a point; therefore, the close ups, textures, and symbols reveal reality. 

B) What was the Kuleshov effect and give me an example of how is it used in today's film's?
This theory was based off juxtaposition shots that contain details, which reveal characteristics of a character. For instance., A 5 year old kid who is crying at alone in the street, but then across the street is his mother and he looks up ans see's her. Then he stops crying and smile. But what if instead of her  mom being across the street his dad is there and he looks up and continues to cry. That shows that he doesn't like his dad much, but he loved his mom.

C) What was Eisensteinian Montage and how does it work in the "Odessa Step" sequence?
The Eisenteinian is  about contarsting opposite images because change and contrasting opposite is the mother of motion. For Example, in Odessa Step we see all these shots of the people running down the stairs and next is the opposite side, the soldiers. However, this is not it, he suddenly changes to CUs and MS of individual people and then against goes back to a ELS with the people of one side vs. the other side.

Andre Bazin and Realism
A) What were Andre Bazin's frustrations with Classical and Formalistic film making?
He feared editing because he thought it could ruin his work, the message the cinematography wants to   transfers. He saw Formalistic films as controlling and Classicism as a way to manipulate the audience by indicating them through a close-up where to pay attention to.

B) What do Realist filmmakers strive for in their work?
They look for reality. They want something that hasn't been staged for, and they common places where they can capture that is public places. Parks, beaches, streets are good examples where normal people a daily life can be found.

C)What techniques to realists use in their filmmaking?
 The techniques that are used are the following: wide screen, deep focus, craning, panning,  long shots, lengthy takes, tilting, and tracking.

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