Friday, December 16, 2011

Ballet Documetary

Film Documentary on:


Interviewee Clarissa Perez

1) What is ballet for you?
2)How did you discovered your passion for ballet?
3)What do you feel when you perform?
4)What is movement (in ballet) for you?
5)What’s difficult about ballet?why?
6)What’s the beauty of ballet?
7)Does age matters in this dance? If you are older, do you understand and project more the significance of ballet?
8)At such young age and with many years of experience. Do you think you know everything about ballet? Is there an ending to this dance or is there always something new to learn?
9)What makes you continue to dance (ballet)?
10)Has ballet helped you with other type of dances?
11)How do you imagine your life without ballet?
12)What can you tell people who are interested in doing ballet, but are still debating on whether to do it or not.

The Documentary is going to be in black and white color. It’ll start off with a ballet description by Clarissa. Immediately 3 out of focus scenes of Clarissa waring-up will be shown, but in between the title will appear.

The B-roll will be about the ballet class she takes, but it have some solo performances on Clarissa. In these performances I will be playing with the light and shadows in order to make it more interesting. And as for the interview, it’ll be on the ballet studio.

There will be no voice over because she will narrate the her story smoothly and if something is needed to be communicate I would inform it through writing/sentences on the video.

The ending will be a clip of Clarissa's solo performance and the credits will appear after a good time of  showing the clip.

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