Monday, March 14, 2011

Audio Short Film

The opening is with a view if a Hospital

then it gets closer with the scene of a young man in a room of the hospital unconscious

it appears on the video “8 Hours Earlier”

He parks his car,  takes out keys from the ignition and drops them, then he bends over to get them and bumps his head on the stirring wheel. He says "aw" and grabs his stuff and walks toward his work.

Before entering he drops one of his two water bottles and gets a little bit wet then says "sh*t".

Inside the manager explains that he knows it's his 1st day and he normally goes easy on new employees, but his partner couldn't be there. He answers "its okay how could it be". He turns around and sees that the place is full. He freaks out and goes to the bathroom, there he looks for his pills and takes one.

The next scene is him walking out the bathroom ready to work w/ his uniform on.

He walks toward his first table, meanwhile there is an inside voice saying " I can do this, I got this” and he believes it.

In that table there is one couple, one girl and a friend of the couple sitting down.

When he gets there, he gets the sense of the real environment like, glasses clinking, people talking and laughing, plates being place on the table and so on.

His first line is "Hello my name is "" and I will be silvering you today"-what- no, I mean severing you" and he takes a big sigh.

Walks in the kitchen and bumps into someone, “hay! Watch where you’re going!" "Oh I'm sorry man ".

He goes back to the table with the drinks puts them on the table and in a funny way he gives the little girl the cup of coffee instead of the juice and gives the juice to the couple.

Then he realizes what he did and switches the drink, as he gives a nervous smile, and the response of the clients is with a face like saying “what a jerk”.

There is an inside voice going “don’t worry, nothing bad is going to happen and I will get better at this”.

He’s already sweating and as soon as he can goes outside the place to calm down. Once he’s out he stars to walk on circle saying how bad he’s doing, but then he thinks on way to calm down himself and puts his hands together, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. After the deep breath he says “ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, and moves his tongue in a weird way.

Right on that moment, another weightier comes out the place and sees George’s ritual and say “Weirdo” and walks aside. However, George doesn’t notice him and keeps doing his ritual.

Once he’s done; he goes back to work and we see him serving other tables too.

Then when he passes by his first table the woman calls him and he turns around and gets there. She says “excuse me, but my food is taking too long and can you go and ask what’s going on” in that instant another weightier passes by with plates and pushes George because he’s on his way, but as he pushes George, George spills one of the drink on the girlfriend.

Her reaction is to scream and say in an upset way “you jerk, look what you have done”. But George’s reaction is to clean her and with his rag he tries to dry her blouse and therefore he kind of gets close to her stomach and breasts.

As soon as the boyfriend sees this he stands up and grabs George saying “you stupid*ss, what the f*ck do you think you are doing, ha who do you think you are to came and touch MY, my girlfriend like that” George’s faces shows fear, nervous, despair, he doesn’t know what to do and starts to sweat and to get red as a tomato.

There is also a noise of the little girl drinking her juice and this gets stuck in George head as the voice of the boyfriend.

His heart is beating very fast, and it’s one of the remarkable sounds. It’s a contrast between the boyfriend calling him stupid*ss and the sound of the little girl drinking the juice with a straw, and his heart beating fast.

These sounds combined together have an effect on George and feels that he’s head is going to explode. Then the boyfriend lets him go and all of them leave the place.

But the little girl looks at him like saying “you just had to be so stupid” in a funny way.

He quickly walks towards the bathroom and feels that the floor is moving.

Once he’s at the bathroom he looks for his pills and opens the container taking the last pill out nervously. The pill moves on his hand and ends falling into the sink where George can’t get it. Everything settles down and George’s face is like he’s going to die, then he swallows and we hear a heart stop beating.

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