Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baraka Film Response

Well,  this film Baraka which means breath has such title because they entire movie is about nature and the world we live in, the air we breath. I think the purpose was to let the audience know what the movie is about and how we are affecting it. Also this film is critiquing the world we live in today, it's very different from what it should be, we as human beings have changed the world in a negative way. There no alternative vision represented. The message it's clear; think about what you do every day and how it's affecting or helping the world? The film shows mostly the negative effect of our actions and how innocent people suffer the consequences.

The fact that there was no audio made it quite different. We understood what the purpose and message was, but if it would have audio I think the film would have being better. Also there was no text therefore; the audience didn't know what countries were shown. We kind of get the idea, but we are not quite sure and that creates confusion. In my opinion I think text was need it in order to be clear. Most of the images are about nature, for example natural regions and beautiful areas. Other images such as the monk on the street and a cigarette factory along with city street suggest a change for good. Possibly  throughout religion or spiritually the society could achieve this change and improve the quality the world we live in.

Also this film highlights the difference between social classes, but it focuses in the low social class. They are the consequence of our acts and the places they live in are poor areas with unhealthy conditions; not only because of the don't have money, but because of the contamination in the natural environment. To obtain this feeling along with other emotions the music was essential, especially when the music was sad/solemn it created bigger and stronger emotions. I think that the reason we watched this movie was to understand that images are more powerful than words, and also to make conscience of our actions. Personally I feel that the films was more solemn and I doesn't make me want to travel, but to just be aware of what we do today is reflect it in the future and in any place of the world.

The acting was really good, I think that the audience forgot it was a movie and they felt like they were living it. Also the location were well chosen and contribuated to the good result of the film. The story about nature was well represented by the images and the theme along with the plot helped each other to not create confusion. The lighting and the cinematography was excellent. All the shots had the necessary light and show during what time of the day the events were happening. Additionally, the cinematography was great too and the close ups made the difference, they created all the emotions. The editing techniques were basic techmiques, but essencial for all the good work. And the sound had good quality as well, the audience had no trouble with the audio.

1 comment:

  1. A strong interpretation of the film. Sorry it didn't have sound, but I see you definitely still got the meaning!! Keep it up!
